Annual Report design and print
Foster and kinship carers
If you’ve paid any attention to the media over the last few years, you would be forgiven for thinking that print media is dead. With thousands of print publications going out of business – including huge brands like Cosmopolitan – and newspapers switching to online subscription packages, is there still a place for a humble brochure?
The simple answer is yes!
While television, internet and social media has taken a huge share of the advertising market, it is not the be all and end all of getting your message across. Here’s 5 reasons why you should be investing in print.
1. Print appeals to more of our senses
Next time you’re scrolling through the internet and your social media feed, take notice of what each of your senses are doing. Your sight is definitely being used and maybe even your hearing, but that’s it!
With print material, you get the visual interest but you also get the physical touch, the sound of the paper between your fingers and even the smell of the ink. The more senses that are being used, the better we are at remembering!
2. Print stands out
We are so used to being bombarded with digital advertising and content that we barely take notice of anything on our screens anymore. If you had to remember the last 5 ads you saw on the internet, would you know what they were? Probably not.
With a printed document, you get more than just a quick scroll past. You have something in your potential customers hands, attracting and keeping their attention so they can learn more about you and what you offer.
3. Print is harder to abandon
How many times have you seen something you liked on the internet, taken a screenshot, and then completely forgotten about it? (Guilty!) For digital advertising to be effective, your customer needs to act when they see it or it’s likely they’ll forget.
With print, even if your customer throws your flyer in their handbag or their car, it is still with them, just waiting to be picked up again. Team that with great design and great content and you’re on a winner!
4. Print can appeal to more markets
Because of smartphones, our attention spans are so short that digital marketing needs to be highly targeted to grab our attention. Those markets are so refined that anyone outside of that market will barely give it a second thought.
With print, you have the chance to make your document appeal to lots more potential customers in one go. It’s a bit like a magazine cover: out of the 10 articles that are mentioned on the cover, you might only be interested in one but once you’ve finished that article, you might just keep reading.
5. Print is memorable
Print technology is constantly evolving and there are hundreds of different types of print materials and techniques that can make a good document, great.
Teaming innovative techniques that appeal to the senses with great design is unbeatable!
No matter what anyone tells you, there’s still a bright future for printed material.
Get in touch to discuss the promotional material options for your business!