Investing in a Capability Statement


McMahon Services NT Capability Statement, 24 pages, designed and coordinated by Jess Cussen Graphic Design, written by Communicate NT, photographed by Shane Eecen at Creative Light Studios and Jodi Bilske at Jodi Bilske Photographics in Katherine, printed by ZipPrint.


You hear me talk about capability statements all the time – I promise it's not the only service I offer! I'll be honest though, I love them and I really enjoy working on them.

Having a company capability statement is becoming increasing popular, and almost mandatory, when seeking new or potential business. This document will formally tell readers who you are and what you're capable of doing for them.


When written powerfully and persuasively, a capability statement can differentiate your business from its competitors and and reinforce its importance to the prospect. A rough structure of content might look like this:

  • Company Overview / About Us

  • Key Services / Product points that appeal to your target audience

  • Past Project and/or Current Clients

  • Contributions / Community Input

  • Accreditations / Certifications / Awards

  • Call to Action / Contact Details


Design. My expertise. I may be biased but presentation is everything. You can have wonderfully written sentences forming tidy paragraphs, but if it's presented in a Word document with overly huge margins and weird lines break, it's not going to be very appealing to read. Having your capability statement professional designed will reinforce your brand and improve readability to engage your readers. More points for a desirable presentation are:

  • Photography – you've heard it before, a picture is worth a thousand words. Invest in a professional photoshoot of your company, not only allowing them to be used in your capability statement, but also in future material.

  • Print – it's not dead!! Especially when done right, this can create a HUGE professional and quality impact creating memorabilia and again, differentiating you from your competitors.

  • Infographics – business structures or general data visualisation saves the reader time creating a more enjoyable experience.

So... what are you waiting for?